Site Support

Unisteel takes pride in offering comprehensive site support services to ensure the successful implementation of formwork and scaffolding solutions on construction projects. Our experienced team provides on-site assistance, guidance, and problem-solving to optimize the use of our materials .

Installation Assistance:
Expert guidance during the installation phase to ensure correct and efficient assembly of formwork and scaffolding systems. On-site supervision to address any installation challenges and ensure compliance with safety standards.
Regular Inspections:
Scheduled on-site inspections to assess the condition and performance of formwork and scaffolding materials. Identification and proactive resolution of potential issues to maintain a safe and efficient construction environment.
Rapid response and troubleshooting support to address any unexpected challenges or modifications required during the construction process. Minimizing downtime and ensuring the project stays on schedule.
Knowledge Transfer:
Transfer of expertise through training programs empowers construction teams to confidently and competently work with Unisteel's formwork and scaffolding materials.
Training Programs:
Unisteel takes pride in offering comprehensive site support services to ensure the successful implementation of formwork and scaffolding solutions on construction projects. Our experienced team provides on-site assistance, guidance, and problem-solving to optimize the use of our materials. Our site support services include:
Installation Training:
Hands-on training sessions covering the correct and efficient installation of formwork and scaffolding materials. Emphasis on safety protocols and best practices to ensure a secure working environment.
Safety Training:
Dedicated safety training modules to educate construction teams on industry-specific safety measures related to formwork and scaffolding. Compliance with safety regulations and the promotion of a safety-first culture on construction sites.
Training programs contribute to a heightened awareness of safety protocols, reducing the risk of accidents and injuries on-site.