RSLFAC CH-47 Facilities

RSLFAC CH-47 Facilities

Unisteel made a significant contribution to the RSLFAC CH-47 Facilities by participating as the supplier of temporary support towers for heavy jack trusses. Leveraging their expertise, Unisteel employed the Shorebrace Frames system to provide robust and reliable temporary support for the heavy jack trusses in this specialized project.

Project Info

Client: First Period

Category: Tempory support Towers for Heavy Jack Truss

For the temporary support towers, Unisteel's choice of the Shorebrace Frames system demonstrated a strategic approach to handling heavy loads with stability and efficiency.


The Shorebrace Frames system is renowned for its strength and adaptability, making it an ideal solution for supporting heavy trusses during construction. The system's modular design allows for customization to meet specific project requirements, providing a versatile and reliable support structure.